Please Prove You're not a Robot
I've been trying to - but for now anyway, I've given up.
Granted I don't feel or appear very human most mornings. I blame it on a multitude of things from medication to reading until I fall asleep (then waking and reading more, falling asleep again and repeating this process umpteen times in one night )
But I thought that even I could prove what species I am or I'm not, to a laptop. Apparently not.
I'd just read a very good blog post by Sandra Patterson and was keen to respond with my comments. So I typed the paragraph into the comments box on Google Blogger and followed the instructions which were "Please type the two words".
I dutifully typed 02 mighta
Now, I know you think you are already onto this. I did too.
After all, anyone knows that that's not two words, but two numerals and a word. In fact it's not even a word technically, but let's not go there just now.
So I then typed in mighta on it's own. Maybe the trick of proving you're not a robot is to be able to distinguish between letters and numerals. But no. I then was asked to type in
Ortiesque 159. I did. Firstly as it is here, then Ortiesque one five nine then Ortiesque one hundred and fifty nine (I know that's not two words either, but what would you
do ?)
By now I was more than a little disgruntled, especially as when the next 'two words' came up asked1, my original comment had disappeared so I had to write that in again.
Now here comes the weirdest thing.
I realised that there is no way on this earth that I was ever going to get these "words" to be accepted by the programme, I tried the little box with an audio picture on it. Click on here and ... well what would you expect ?
I expected a sort of cross between an RP English voice and an English/American voice announcing the words that I have so hopelessly tried to submit.
What I got sounded like someone creating the voice of a typically stereotyped alien , or dare I say it ... a robot ! I was more than a little unnerved about this but now think there are 2 possibilities of what's happening here :
1. My mind has inadvertently been taken over by an alien/robot.
2. I am one
This does not sound so extreme when you think that these word things are called "captchas"
Either way, I/we'll keep in touch with this blog one way or another.
Granted I don't feel or appear very human most mornings. I blame it on a multitude of things from medication to reading until I fall asleep (then waking and reading more, falling asleep again and repeating this process umpteen times in one night )
But I thought that even I could prove what species I am or I'm not, to a laptop. Apparently not.
I'd just read a very good blog post by Sandra Patterson and was keen to respond with my comments. So I typed the paragraph into the comments box on Google Blogger and followed the instructions which were "Please type the two words".
I dutifully typed 02 mighta
Now, I know you think you are already onto this. I did too.
After all, anyone knows that that's not two words, but two numerals and a word. In fact it's not even a word technically, but let's not go there just now.
So I then typed in mighta on it's own. Maybe the trick of proving you're not a robot is to be able to distinguish between letters and numerals. But no. I then was asked to type in
Ortiesque 159. I did. Firstly as it is here, then Ortiesque one five nine then Ortiesque one hundred and fifty nine (I know that's not two words either, but what would you
do ?)
Even more strangely, the numbers were now showing on different door signs, with the 'word' pictured separately.
What's going on here ?
Who's making up these weird words and taking photos of obscure door signs ?Now here comes the weirdest thing.
I realised that there is no way on this earth that I was ever going to get these "words" to be accepted by the programme, I tried the little box with an audio picture on it. Click on here and ... well what would you expect ?
I expected a sort of cross between an RP English voice and an English/American voice announcing the words that I have so hopelessly tried to submit.
What I got sounded like someone creating the voice of a typically stereotyped alien , or dare I say it ... a robot ! I was more than a little unnerved about this but now think there are 2 possibilities of what's happening here :
1. My mind has inadvertently been taken over by an alien/robot.
2. I am one
This does not sound so extreme when you think that these word things are called "captchas"
Either way, I/we'll keep in touch with this blog one way or another.
If I'm asked for the 'words' I give it two goes. After that, I don't comment.
Keep strong people - together we can overcome this !