Please Prove You're not a Robot

I've been trying to - but for now anyway, I've given up. Granted I don't feel or appear very human most mornings. I blame it on a multitude of things from medication to reading until I fall asleep (then waking and reading more, falling asleep again and repeating this process umpteen times in one night ) But I thought that even I could prove what species I am or I'm not, to a laptop. Apparently not. I'd just read a very good blog post by Sandra Patterson and was keen to respond with my comments. So I typed the paragraph into the comments box on Google Blogger and followed the instructions which were "Please type the two words". I dutifully typed 02 mighta Now, I know you think you are already onto this. I did too. After all, anyone knows that that's not two words, but two numerals and a word. In fact it's not even a word technically, but let's not go there just now. So I then typed in mighta on it's own. Maybe the trick...