
Showing posts from June 15, 2008

The Perfect Father

Take the eyes of Peter Andre (because he seems like he would "see" deeply into feelings), the ears of Jamie Oliver (because he seems to listen well), and the mouth of Gordon Ramsay (because he speaks openly about everything) and you have the makings of "The Perfect Father". So says a survey amongst teenagers of what they think a perfect father would be like. (Yes, I was a bit shocked at the mouth one, too!) If only it was this simple and of course the survey is not suggesting that it is, b ut it's interesting to note what most people have as their ideal. And it's not about having someone buy you the latest clothes, cd's, dvd's or games consoles - it's about feelings and emotions. Not such a revelation in itself, but perhaps an insight into what is important to our children, despite what advertising and social trends tend to tell us. That I had the best father in the world, is something that I was able to easily believe. My father was a very good ...