21 day marketing plan
Just received this email from createspace.com and find it interesting especially after me going on about information overload etc in my last 2 blogs. I might pledge a couple of the suggestions (not saying which though- someone might try and hold me to it ! ) "They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Marketing your book shouldn’t be a task you dread. It should be a habit that comes to you easily. Pledge to do the following 7 steps everyday for the next 21 days, and form a habit that is going to strengthen your online presence and create a community around yourself and your book that will continue to grow over time and ultimately help you get in the habit of selling books. 21 Day Book Marketing Pledge 1.) I pledge to give one book away to a charity, friend, or organization. The book I give away will be signed by me with all my online contact information and a handwritten invitation to review the book on Amazon. 2.) I pledge to write an entry for my blog. 3.) I pledge...