
Showing posts from June 8, 2010

21 day marketing plan

Just received this email from and find it interesting especially after me going on about information overload etc in my last 2 blogs. I might pledge a couple of the suggestions (not saying which though- someone might try and hold me to it ! ) "They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Marketing your book shouldn’t be a task you dread. It should be a habit that comes to you easily. Pledge to do the following 7 steps everyday for the next 21 days, and form a habit that is going to strengthen your online presence and create a community around yourself and your book that will continue to grow over time and ultimately help you get in the habit of selling books. 21 Day Book Marketing Pledge 1.) I pledge to give one book away to a charity, friend, or organization. The book I give away will be signed by me with all my online contact information and a handwritten invitation to review the book on Amazon. 2.) I pledge to write an entry for my blog. 3.) I pledge...