
Showing posts from April 29, 2009

"Save Education in Maltby"

The main point of the meeting at the Wesley Centre, Maltby,last night 28th April and the leaflets that have been given out, was to highlight the fact that only STATUTORY CONSULTATION has been been done on the Maltby Schools issues, rather than the FULL PUBLIC CONSULTATION which RMBC policy advocates for such issues. It was clear that there are numerous people who should have, but have not been consulted, very many of these parents. It was unanimous that those attending the meeting felt that the consultation was greatly flawed and inadequate. (Perhaps unanimous is not the correct word as only about 4 or 5 people did NOT put their hands up to the question “who thinks the consultation was unsatisfactory?” and then the same 4 or 5 people did NOT put their hand up to the question “who thinks that the consultation was satisfactory”, obviously using their prerogative to disassociate themselves from an issue as and when they feel) An email was read out from someone who had asked it to be read ...