I'm old - it's official !
I look it and more days than not I feel it. The signs have been there, for as long as I can remember (!). Poor memory, going to the fridge and losing my way across the kitchen, agreeing with everything that's said on "Grumpy Old ... ". Aches and pains and body protesting at the simplest of tasks. But now it's official (according to research done by the Dept for Works and Pension) Old age begins at 54. This has been a bit of a shock to me today, despite the signs, because it seems I have been in old age for almost 6 months now. If I remember rightly, which I probably don't, last birthday I received a few jokey cards on an old age theme along with the ones with flowers and dogs and things, but I've been getting those for a number of years now, but no one sent me a "Welcome To Old Age " card specifically announcing this milestone in my life. Now I would have thought that with the recession and all the cutbacks, that the DWP might have better...