
Showing posts from June 21, 2021

Crossing Borders Sequel - Changing Lives : Preface

                                                                   *Preface*                    "But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man                                             and the life he leads? "                                                   Albert Camus     So what happened next? This is the question I have had from many people who have read “Crossing Borders” (my account of my meeting with my Palestinian husband) and of those who have l earned of the background of my husband and ste...

Crossing Borders Sequel - Changing Lives : Chapter One - Exodus

                                              1.   Exodus It seemed that I  had yet to travel anywhere by plane and arrive at a reasonable hour. By r easonable, I mean to land at the destination airport at a time where it is possible to  see your surroundings outside of the terminal in daylight and to get to your resting place  without enduring a nausea making journey as it is well past your usual bedtime.  Package holidays taken when my  children were young to Spain, Majorca and later Cyprus,  Greece and and  the Canary Islands, often started with the plane landing at say, four in the afternoon. But by the time coaches were loaded with happy holiday makers and names ticked off lists by couriers, it was usually a few hours later before the journey to the hotel ...