
Showing posts from May 29, 2012

Before the End of Days - and After

So, May 27th 2012 has been and gone and I don't think the world has ended (of course it could have and I might just be imagining that I am here, doing this etc but that philosophical debate is a bit much at this time of day) It's likely that I have misinterpreted the prophecies though. I downloaded the book to my Kindle 3 days before May 27th, but with the backlog of books to be read on Kindle quickly becoming as large as the pile of 'real' books to read which are in piles around the house, I haven't got very far yet. The prophecies revealed in  Robert Weinland  's book tells us that that the date given is the end of "man's self rule" and apparently the demise of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and much of western Europe and which will be followed by man's final world war. This war will be the result of clashing religions and the governments they sway. Billions will die and the destruction of this time ...

Before The End of Days - End of Man's Self Rule ?

Ronald Wieldman May 27th 2012 has come and gone - according to my calendar - and I haven't seen any signs that the The End has happened. I meant to tell the reader of this blog yesterday, the day after the prediction date but I was too busy recovering from my relaxing Sunday. I suppose I must have read the prophecy wrongly, at least the one I was going on from  Ronald Wieldman . Of course he didn't actually say the world was going to end, just that "man's self-rule" would end, the day before yesterday. The prophecies revealed in the book apparently explain the demise of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and much of western Europe, which will be followed by man's final world war. The destruction of this time will far exceed the very worst times of all human history, it says. I downloaded the book to my Kindle, but the back log that I have in books to read on Kindle is quickly becoming bigger than the piles of 'real...