
Showing posts from January 8, 2011

The Government's nagging again

Watch out at the supermarket checkout. Prepare to be assaulted with advice about eating fruit and vegetables as The Government  plans to make us eat what they say we should, come what may. Look out for the green painted line on your trolley which shows you where to put your “healthy” produce. If you’re looking for pies, crisps and cake, then look on the higher shelves where it’s more difficult to see them. High fibre and low calorie stuff can be found lower down, at eye level. You WILL eat “five a day” ! Make your children walk to school and they might get Top Shop vouchers or tickets to the cinema. Bribery?  Of course not. Stop unwanted teenage pregnancies by entrusting your screaming, teething toddlers to them for a time. That’ll teach ‘em to have safe sex. And so it goes on. This is the coalition government of David Cameron who said that they would interfere less in people’s lives. Well, not so’s you’d notice. I quite like the latest tv advert for the Co – Op. The  c...