
Showing posts from July 11, 2011

Write-Place Blog Spot: A change is as good as a blog post

Write-Place Blog Spot: A change is as good as a blog post : "Time for a change of picture of me on here. Surprised myself today by realising that it's 2 years, 11 months and 2 weeks since that last one..."

A change is as good as a blog post

Time for a change of picture of me on here. Surprised myself today by realising that it's 2 years, 11 months and 2 weeks since that last one was taken (yes, well spotted - my birthday in 2 weeks time) How time flies by these days. Over a month since I posted here though I have been blogging at maltbyblogger  and at Rotherham Politics  so haven't really been silent at all ! The idea was that I write the political type stuff under a separate name and keep Write-Place blogspot for literary/writing  related things . It hasn't quite worked like that though and the 'unpolitical writing' side of things have been neglected.  So lucky reader, I am now back at the right place at the write-place and this blog may even get a blast of updating of political thinking too.  Bet you can't wait.