
Showing posts from August 31, 2019

Mindfulness - the New Capitalist Spirituality ?

Since coming across this article in   The Guardian's "Long Read"  my mind has  been full of the issues it raises- so to speak.   Ronald Purser,   is a professor of management at  San Francisco State University, and the  author of   McMindfulness: How Mindfulness Became the New Capitalist Spiritualit y  available in paperback from Repeater Books from July 2019. While I wait for the full book, I have considered the article and moved on to  discuss the sentiments and assertions that Purser makes.

" To See a World in a Grain of Sand "

William Blake "To See a World..." (Fragments from "Auguries of Innocence" To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. A Robin Redbreast in a Cage Puts all Heaven in a Rage. A dove house fill’d with doves and pigeons Shudders Hell thro’ all its regions. A Horse misused upon the Road A Dog starved at his Master’s Gate Predicts the ruin of the State. A fiber from the Brain does tear. Calls to Heaven for Human blood. Each outcry of the hunted Hare The Beggar’s Dog and Widow’s Cat, He who shall train the Horse to War Shall never pass the Polar Bar. Poison gets from Slander’s tongue. Feed them and thou wilt grow fat. The Gnat that sings his Summer song Beats all the Lies you can invent. The poison of the Snake and Newt Is the sweat of Envy’s Foot. A truth that’s told with bad intent Thro’ the World we safely go. It...