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Today my website has had 991 hits to date ! Now I am not saying this is an incredible achievement, or even any achievement at all on my part. But it is sort of exciting. Hits does not exactly mean visits, and visits also does not mean that those visitors even got past clicking on the browser bar, let alone reading or digesting anything on the site or blog But I know some have and I can go as far as to say that I know many have read bits or all of the site and certainly have had thoughts about my thoughts - and commented on them. So this I feel, entitles me to feel more than a little pleased and gives me a sense of purpose to my ramblings - which on a bad day feel (and maybe are, on a bad day!) no different/better/worse/worthy of putting down , than any one else's. But my whole idea of having a website and blog was/is for communication. It is my big "thing" in life - that we communicate, however poorly or unecessarily this may seem to some people, sometimes. (Communicat...