Survivor - One Word Challenge entry May 2012
Writers Online One Word Challenge
May 2012
They came by force into our homes
to tear our lives apart
with shouts of “Allah Akhbaar”
with hard fists clutched to the heart.
While others hid in shock and fear
and envoys talked of ways
of making resolutions
in the coming hours and days
I just played dead …
and listened to the sounds of death and pain
not understanding how these “men”
could be so inhumane.
I heard the crack of gun shots
I felt my father’s shame
I cursed the ones who gave birth to
the feared Shabia’s name.
Kalashnikovs and rifles,
sharp knives of gleaming steel,
a grotesque show of atrocities,
a nightmare that is real.
An armed militia massacres
in an unrelenting game.
But no one is responsible
so no one is to blame.
Ten thousand human lives wiped out
with shells and bombs and guns.
Oh, villages of Allawite -
Pray for your murderous sons !