New Post - Day One of Write-Place - 2008

 Woke up today feeling the need to vent about many things but also not wanting to get into too negative a mood. So here we have the very first post of this blog way back in 2008, to refresh on what was happening in the world, from my point of view at least and the responses it received.

Write-Place- March 05, 2008

Hello to whoever is reading this and congratulations - you are the first (or one of the first) to read the initial posting on this blog.
I have said that I intend to discuss all sorts of things here and will do so in the next post - just wanted to say welcome and thanks for coming.
Please leave a post and let's get talking.
Can I suggest a topic for your first subject matter?
1) Should we have a referendum on the Euro?
2) Is there a valid case for Britain to withdraw from the European Union altogether?
It would be good to hear everyone's opinion on this. This topic usually manages to rouse strongly held beliefs from all sides of the political spectrum.
Hello, I would love to leave a comment but the subject is a little too heavy for me!
Unknown said…Yes I agree with all that.
Lexia257 said…
Thanks for your comments and your responses. I have to admit that I am not too well versed in this area either, but as I have said I will discuss anything, I will do my best from my limited knowledge.
This Government seems to carry on regardless having very little care for the feelings of its electorate, which makes too many people feel that whatever their views, it’s not worth the effort to voice them. Gordon Brown promised a Referendum to the British people, and appears to have gone back on that promise even though 88% of the electorate want a Referendum. I am never sure about the legitimacy of statistics, but have taken this from The Times – so if it’s not correct blame them.
Trust between the electorate and our so-called representatives in Parliament is very low and maybe politicians should learn that while the people don’t have a say in the future of their country's relationship with the EU, they will view the whole scenario with suspicion.
If this Lisbon Treaty is such a good thing and necessary for the UK, Gordon Brown should have been able to make the case for it. But it isn't necessary and it isn't good - so he cowed out and cancelled a Referendum he thought he couldn't win.
Our politicians think that they are our rulers rather than our representatives, even those who haven’t actually been voted in yet, namely the Prime Minister. This country is being “led” by an undemocratic dictator who does not care about Britain or the constitutional rights of its citizens.

Therefore :
1) there should be a referendum on the Euro – but I am not sure that there will be, and
2) based on the undemocratic “democracy” that is this government, there is a real valid case for Britain to withdraw from the European Union, but I am very sure that this will not happen either.


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