Dystopia or Utopia - 2021 What's Yours Called ?
Dystopia : a community or society that is undesirable or frightening.
: an antonym of Utopia a term coined by Sir Thomas More and figures as the title of one of his best known works, published in 1516, which created a blueprint for an ideal society with minimal crime, violence and poverty. Wikipedia
Dystopias are often characterised by tyrannical governments, environmental disaster, dehumanising or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society. Dystopian societies appear in many fictional works and artistic representations, particularly in stories set in the future and some of the most famous examples are Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932), George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 (1953).
Many sub-genres of fiction use Dystopian Societies to draw attention to politics, economics, religion, psychology, science, ethics and technology. Some authors use the term to refer to existing societies, many of which are, or have been, totalitarian societies or states in an advanced stage of collapse.
Loss of our liberties, increasing rapidly, ought to be a great concern for us all.
As has been written many times, by Peter Hitchens and others, and rightly I believe, the restrictions being imposed on us in this country will be with us for a very long time, if not forever.
Freedoms, strived for against great adversity over many years are being swept away as sure as the tides sweep our beaches (which in themselves are now only "open" to locals and even then for specific and time limited "exercise"). In a very short time - less than a year - I have watched my children and grandchildren's lives being systematically changed regardless of logic, evidence and reasoning in the "measures and guidance" - which are now "rules". Student's / children's education is all but on hold as teachers in schools and colleges struggle to deliver online classes with inadequate equipment and lack of preparation time. Our Education Minister seems to be coached by people who have never set foot in a classroom let alone be deciding what, why and how learning should happen. Social and physical contact which is essential to a child's social and physical development is limited - but we might as well say banned.
The economic situation particularly for small businesses is dire with little chance of recovery and travel, to broaden the mind or otherwise seems an unlikely event in the near future, if at all for most of us- unless further "measures" are adhered to.Social contact is discouraged and our natural and vital human instincts to be close to our fellow men is forbidden. "Fresh air" is rationed, and our faces must be covered for our very breath is likely to kill someone.
NHS hospitals and ICU units are reported as being "overwhelmed" as wards are re- allocated as "Covid Wards" and thousands of other diseases and health conditions such as cancer, kidney disease and more are neglected with life saving operations being cancelled and regular treatments put on hold. Mental Health issues are increasing with the number of Covid "cases" registered and people are are afraid to go to A&E, resulting in conditions worsening or even death. (Whether this is exacerbated by years of underfunding, understaffing, inappropriate spending or something else, is a subject for a different post).
Failure to comply with the restrictions risks an extortionate fine and being ostracised by your own community and even by strangers, online. Instances of those believing themselves to be complying being confronted by police or other "officials" who have interpreted the rules differently, are rife. People with hidden disabilities are shamed and verbally abused as they go about their day to day business. Lockdowns are implemented which are punishing society in the guise of "the greater good. All choice and responsiblity for our own lives and actions seem to have disappeared.
And all this for a virus which, has a 98 % recovery rate and whose average age of death is less than the overall expected life span in UK.
To question this, one is branded as a "conspiracy theorist" or worse as selfish and uncaring towards the sick and dying, ignorant or stupid.
Over the years I have become somewhat a pessimist, my thinking being that to imagine the worst can surely only ensure that the future is better than what you thought it would be. Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case anymore and in this dystopia,we can only wait for the next dictat from our government and hope that their plan - if one exists - is for a better world for all. Not holding my breath.