
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Write-Place or the Wrong Blog

Yesterday I spent some time considering whether to amalgamate this blog, with  and call it The WritePlace Is Maltbyblogger or some such thing but having slept on it I've decided that it wouldn't really work.  Actually,  I have had it sort of decided for me by a reader, now probably ex-reader, of maltbyblogger who has castigated me for using it for a political agenda. Now, apart from me not having any political "agenda" - I can't decide whether to sit down or stand up most days, never mind who to vote for  - I felt I had to refer him to the "About" page of the blog. Though I had almost forgotten myself, there it clearly states what my intentions were/are in making posts and the word "political" is mentioned. But so are the words "topical", "information", "discuss" and "news".  I think I am within my "rights" as a blogger to post anything related to any of those words and I t...
Yesterday more than a million people, including 40 world leaders marched together through the streets of Paris in an unique display of apparent unity, solidarity and resistance to terrorism. This event was a show of mourning and celebration in response to the  attacks which began with the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo magazine office and ended two days later after two sieges and a major police operations. Since the attacks there's been much discussion and protestations about the reasonings behind the killings - if it's possible to know, now that the killers have been "neutralised".  An issue of Freedom of Speech and what constitutes freedom, respect and offence ?                            

Move Me Past the Beards, Vaping and Oolong Tea - this is 2015 !

Following the lack of planned  postings here since 20th November, where I was, allegedly, resurrecting this blog, I really ought to have written one last night to be posted at 12.01 January 1st 2015.  I was, as it happened, too busy writing a post for one of my other blogs maltbyblogger  about why I haven't been writing there as prolifically.  So I find that this morning, on the first day of the New Year a number of thoughts that I had yesterday have already been blogged on by others. Ah well, there's a moral and a resolution in there somewhere if I was motivated and clear headed enough to take it on board. Which I'm not at the moment, but will be soon. So,  How To Stay Relevant in 2015 is the title of the piece. (Read it Here  ) I'd have called it - How To Stay Focussed in 2015, as irrelevancy is quite important to me sometimes.  Coffee is over , and tea is the new trend but only tea with names like  Monkey Picked   Oolong ...