It's About Time - last day of the year 2024

Here we are again on the last day of the year, looking back on the year past, and forward to the next year. Some of us will be glad to see the end of 2024 and happy to see the start of a new year, while others will be cautious and perhaps nervous of what 2025 will bring. Of course, the concept of a "new year" is a purely man made notion to help us fix ourselves in time within days, weeks and months and likewise in hours, minutes, seconds and even nano seconds - which I understand is equal to one billionth of a second, one nano second being to one second as one second is to 31.7 years. At this point my mind boggles and fails to comprehend the enormity of "time" as we as humans on earth, know it. Our idea of a month comes from the moon and many cultures over thousands of years have used months with lengths of 29 or 30 days to divide the year up into manageable pieces. With this system though, there is the problem of having moon cycles at 29.5 days not dividing equa...