
Showing posts from May, 2018

Discovering Great Writers - Via Twitter

     “I write fiction  and I’m told it’s autobiography. I write autobiography and I’m told  it’s fiction, so since I’m so dim and they’re so smart, let them decide.” Philip Roth 1933 - 2018 One of the signs of my advancing years and certainly since I began life in my 6th decade, is that I discover great writers, only when they have died.  Sometimes I have read something of theirs over the years, during enforced study or just through recreational reading. Sometimes, I have not known who the writer was at the time. But more often, I haven't heard of the author or their works.  This sends me into a kind of panic, that there is so much wonderful literature in the world that I can't hope to get around to reading, appreciating and maybe be inspired by.  Perhaps, if I had been an "academic" for longer, this might not have been the case. Before the technological age really kicked in and we only had real books to inform and entertain us, ...

Poem In Process

Poem In Process I start in the slush queue  Un noted, un seen, un read  Waiting for anothers perusal for the start of the journey. Perhaps with a request for change coming from a holding place. Revised, replaced, released I go on my way towards acceptance and publication or to be felled by the scarlet slashes of the correcting pen. But maybe, I will silently withdraw and leave myself curious and wondering.