
Showing posts from July, 2011

Happy Birthday to me 2011

Another birthday. So far, I have resisted the urge to look at what I posted on here this time last year. Not for any other reason except that I'm hoping it was not maudlin thoughts about getting older or being too thankful for what I have that it sounds pretentious (of course just using the word 'pretentious' sounds pretentious anyway ) Have had good wishes from all the people who are most important in my life and however it sounds, that is the most important thing to me. (Am making no excuses for repetition of words today - it's an age thing.) The dogs had to be told, but they are definately excused as, if I remember correctly, I only wished them both happy birthday after the event ) So Happy Birthday to me and anyone else who's birthday it is today and a 'happy day' wherever possible to everyone else.  Little food for thought courtesy of my mother this morning : Add the last 2 digits of your birth year to the age you are this year . The answer ...

Just another unreliable newspaper

As the House of Commons debates the phone hacking scandal and the conduct of newspapers, July’s issue of MaltbyNews is in circulation.(I hesitate to say “delivered to every house in Maltby as it proclaims, as it’s rather a hit and miss affair). Amidst the national discussion on the reliability of the press and the infringement of liberties of the public, Maltby News’ editor Kevin Hall has chosen again to disregard his so called policy of giving the”right to reply’. Rather than respond in his ‘newspaper’ to the libellous comments and untruths that he has previously published he has produced an issue with neither “Letters to the Editor”, an  editorial comment nor the name(s) of the journalists’ who have written the copy. The ‘Events Calendar’ notes the Local Development Framework  Public Consultation dates for Bramley and Wickersley but omits Maltby. Two Maltby Town Council News Pages (at a cost of £300) have a competition entry form with last year’s date on. If it wasn’t for th...

Write-Place Blog Spot: A change is as good as a blog post

Write-Place Blog Spot: A change is as good as a blog post : "Time for a change of picture of me on here. Surprised myself today by realising that it's 2 years, 11 months and 2 weeks since that last one..."

A change is as good as a blog post

Time for a change of picture of me on here. Surprised myself today by realising that it's 2 years, 11 months and 2 weeks since that last one was taken (yes, well spotted - my birthday in 2 weeks time) How time flies by these days. Over a month since I posted here though I have been blogging at maltbyblogger  and at Rotherham Politics  so haven't really been silent at all ! The idea was that I write the political type stuff under a separate name and keep Write-Place blogspot for literary/writing  related things . It hasn't quite worked like that though and the 'unpolitical writing' side of things have been neglected.  So lucky reader, I am now back at the right place at the write-place and this blog may even get a blast of updating of political thinking too.  Bet you can't wait.