
New Post - Day One of Write-Place - 2008

 Woke up today feeling the need to vent about many things but also not wanting to get into too negative a mood. So here we have the very first post of this blog way back in 2008, to refresh on what was happening in the world, from my point of view at least and the responses it received. Write-Place -   March 05, 2008 Hello to whoever is reading this and congratulations - you are the first (or one of the first) to read the initial posting on this blog. I have said that I intend to discuss all sorts of things here and will do so in the next post - just wanted to say welcome and thanks for coming. Please leave a post and let's get talking. Can I suggest a topic for your first subject matter? REFERENDUM: 1) Should we have a referendum on the Euro? 2) Is there a valid case for Britain to withdraw from the European Union altogether? It would be good to hear everyone's opinion on this. This topic usually manages to rouse strongly held beliefs from all sides of the political spectrum....

It's About Time - last day of the year 2024

  Here we are again on the last day of the year, looking back on the year past, and forward to the next year. Some of us will be glad to see the end of 2024 and happy to see the start of a new year, while others will be cautious and perhaps nervous of what 2025 will bring.  Of course, the concept of a "new year" is a purely man made notion to help us fix ourselves in time within days, weeks and months and likewise in hours, minutes, seconds and even nano seconds - which I understand is equal to one billionth of a second, one nano second being to one second as one second is to 31.7 years. At this point my mind boggles and fails to comprehend the enormity of "time" as we as humans on earth, know it. Our idea of a month comes from the moon and many cultures over thousands of years have used months with lengths of 29 or 30 days to divide the year up into manageable pieces. With this system though, there is the problem of having moon cycles at 29.5 days not dividing equa...

Writing - Yes, It's Work and Warrants Remuneration

  Ok, so the article I thought I had shared to my Facebook, didn't actually share and the very intelligent comment that I'd posted to go with it looks less than intelligent without it. And yes, the smart comments of others are I suppose, deserved. It was such a good article too, but the most annoying thing is that I can't find it again, and I don't remember who the author was. In my attempts to find it however, though not finding the actual one I have found a number of others on a similar theme. If I ever find the one that I read in the first place, I promise to reference it and the author properly and thank him/her now for the thoughts. It was about Writers not being thought of as doing a real "job" and are so many times expected to write or talk about their writing, give opinions and views on theirs and other people's writing ... for free, ie without proper payment. The article writer in question cited a time when they were asked to speak about their ...

Perspective - true understanding of the relative importance of things; a sense of proportion:

Keep On Talking and Taking the Prescribed Medication ...

I had barely written the opening line to a new blog post, way back at the beginning of November  with appropriate links to past posts on a similar subject  - "Time for a post to prove to myself that I am still able to write a few coherent paragraphs, as I am feeling better than I did yesterday" ...  when  I became very poorly, physically and mentally and was barely able to function in the most basic and fundamental of  human actions. The reason, which knowing me or from reading this blog is not difficult to understand   - I had stopped taking my prescribed medication; yes again. (see links at end of post) The reasons for doing so are predictable (for me and for many others I have discussed this with). I was fine. My diet and lifestyle was healthy. I ate vegetarian and organic, drank teas made from herbs grown in my own garden, used home made soaps, laundry, home cleaners and toiletries which were "Free From All Nasties and Natural". I wanted, again, to...

Empty Rooms - reblogged

Reblogged from April 2010 Not much topical, intellectual or discussable stuff in my mind at the moment (well, not that I can blog about anyway )so here's a piece to keep the blog on a "writing" theme. The title could be substituted for "Empty Brain" if wanted. Empty  Rooms  In the silence of another sleepless night  with shadows from the moonā€™s pale light  Blues and blacks shine through the window pane Like shadows calling out your name. And did you ever know That though you said that you would go I never thought it would be so. I watch the moonlight in the place where colours once bathed around your face And fragrant flowers are in the air The scent is here though youā€™re not there. And I wonder if you know That I never thought youā€™d go But you did and it is so. Morning comes with no regret of  memories I can't forget. Empty rooms and I climb the stairs where clothes lie draped on empty chairs. And I wonder if you knew how I always understood that although y...

29th February 2024 - An Extra Day or An Extra Day of Work ?

 So, if you hadn't realised - like me who didn't until I checked the calendar for my dogs grooming appointment - today is an 'extra' day, this being a Leap Year.  One solar year, the amount of time it takes our planet to complete one full rotation about the sun,  takes roughly 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. That extra five-plus hours  is why we have leap years. Yes, of course I looked it up - my retention of information these days  and memory in general, is poor to say the least. Why this is the case for me is plain, but why people much younger than me also find their memory is not as clear as it once was.  Many reasons for this could be discussed, but that is a topic for a different post. Every four years is not always a Leap Year apparently. According to  the  National Air and Space Agency   (United States), in a calendar yet to come, years divisible by 100 would not follow the four year leap day rule unless they ar...